Coach Testimonials – Why It Matters

Representative Coaching Clients at all levels from Fortune 500, Non-Profit, Government & Entrepreneurial Organizations

“Thank You for your coaching expertise and the great call today! I appreciate the candid feedback to help me move forward and up with my organization. Also, thanks for sharing what looks like a great read!”

“Starting this month, I will be the PMO Director at a non-profit which provides year long paid internships for disadvantaged youth 18 to 24 years of age. This role is more than I dared hope for as it is part of an organization with a great mission and it allows me to try my hand mentoring or teaching people in this age group. You have been extremely supportive throughout my endeavors these past few months, Carol, and I am very appreciative of your help through coaching. Thank you!”

“I wanted to tell you that today was my last day before maternity leave and before I left, my boss told me that they will be promoting me to VP when I return. I attribute this 100% to coaching and wanted to thank you for all of your guidance and help. You have really changed the way I think and approach my projects and not only does it feel better, I’m getting the results I want to at work. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

“Thank you so much for being my coach and champion! The work we did together helped me enhance my leadership skills and make a positive impact on my team.”

“I loved our discussion today – it felt like we were able to get through so much in our time and it was very productive. Thank you!!”

“The coaching work with Carol was particularly helpful in the areas of learning to delegate more, dealing with conflict in interpersonal relationships, and thinking through my desired outcomes before entering into certain business situations. The coaching work led to my being able to actively engage in new behaviors. I was able to see immediate, positive results.”

“The coaching work I did with Carol opened me up to new ways of thinking and being as a leader. I truly value her insights and encouragement in helping me be a better version of myself!”

Coaching Circles Feedback:

“I want to thank you for being the Coach of our group in the past six weeks. You did an excellent job in providing resources, facilitating the meetings and timely communication. You’ve made the learning journey easier and more fulfilling. THANK YOU!!!”

“Powerful video on resilience! Looking forward to our final session today. Sad it’ll be the last for this circle. It sure has been an awesome journey with y’all.”

“Couple of quick points that just happened for me – I was able to give feedback to the person I was struggling with, it went ok but the best thing I feel the door is open for more feedback to give. Another opportunity came up when I received some constructive feedback from a group of people this week – I was able to look at it with more openness than normal and look at the situation from their perspective to see where they were coming from, this enabled the group to move on more quickly than normally I would expect and drive to a more enterprise solution. It’s been great and already had a huge impact on my work. Thanks Carol, thanks Team.”

“I wanted to let you know that I really appreciated your coaching and mentorship over the last several weeks. It’s been a huge highlight for me. And I’ve so valued the tools you’ve given me to build resilience through these very challenging times. Thank you, Carol. Truly.”

StrengthsFinder Team & Individual Coaching

“Carol supported the strengthening of my team which has recently come together under a new organizational structure. She adeptly supported our application of the StrengthFinder tool. Her 1-on-1 coaching of each team member helped raise personal awareness of how to use strengths and this supported a stronger teambuilding meeting. Carol facilitated our meeting with a great grace, balancing listening with timely and knowledgeable interjection of questions and thoughts for consideration. She led us through very useful exercises and helped us open up dialogue. I appreciate having Carol as a resource to consult with now that she knows me and my team. I would highly recommend her.”

Senior Director at School Sisters of Notre Dame

“I started working with Carol when I was trying to understand my strengths and how to use them more effectively in my work. As I was facing a tough career transition and considering new directions, she helped me to see possibilities I had not considered, explore my potential, and appreciate my unique strengths. I wish I had found her earlier in my career!”

Managing Partner
Keystone Global Consulting Group

“Carol’s StrengthsFinder program provides a thought-provoking way to identify strengths and then leverage those strengths in the workplace.  Her program was a great way for both myself and my team to learn more about ourselves and how we can capitalize on our strengths to enhance productivity, engagement, and partnerships.  Carol’s program was a great resource for developing my newly formed team.  I highly recommend this program for any leader who wants to build greater trust and more open communication on their teams.”

Director of Compliance, Salix Pharmaceuticals

“Carol’s StrengthsFinder® team work was great! She brought home all of the reading I had done around StrengthsFinder® and the benefits of helping people better understand their talents. Everyone on the team rated both the individual coaching and the team strengths learning as “outstanding”. I highly recommend this program to others.”

Senior Director
Stryker Corporation

“Carol recently facilitated a StrengthsFinder® program for my global senior leadership team at the start of our executive retreat. The coaching work she did in advance of the onsite event and her facilitation skills during the retreat were invaluable. Her program opened up our communication, created a greater sense of team alignment, and helped the team gain a better understanding of each other’s talents and work styles. This was especially important as it helped create new ways for our executive team to engage during the strategic planning portion of our retreat. I highly recommend Carol’s StrengthsFinder® program.”

Louis Efron
HR Executive, JDA

“Carol was an enthusiastic facilitator who took a geo-diverse team through the StrengthsFinder® exercise. The result was a reinvigorated team. The StrengthsFinder® program reminded each team member of their own competencies and importance of their contribution. The program also allowed the team to acknowledge the strengths of their teammates.”

Senior Leadership
Fortune 1000, Technology Field and Alliances Marketing Organization

“Carol provided individual coaching and team empowerment to a public sector organization using her StrengthsFinder® methodology. The performance of that organization was hampered by poor communication, weak collaboration among its senior leadership, and low morale. Using her exceptional interpersonal skills, knowledge and approach, Carol’s work with several different teams within the organization resulted in an enhanced appreciation for the need for improved communication, appreciating and accepting each other’s strengths, and ultimately a much more functional working environment. The senior leadership team noted that the coaching and team facilitation had an extremely positive impact on the “soft side” of the organization making it a better performing team with higher productivity and customer satisfaction. I would not hesitate to call on Carol again.”

Rebecca C., Senior Leader
US Agency for International Development

“Carol, we all thoroughly enjoyed the StrengthsFinder® session you provided last week. It was quite effective in opening up communication and we put what we learned into immediate use. Everyone thought it was a great way to start off our executive retreat meeting. I will definitely be recommending you to other companies.”

Rick Morano, President

“I needed a coach who understood the challenges that a senior executive in a large, publically traded firm faces every day. Carol has lived it herself so it is more than just the theory. Carol also dealt with the whole “me”, including focusing on my strengths and areas where there had been blind spots, which ensures I am sensitive to how my work impacts others.”

Peter L., VP Corporate Development
Fortune 500 Technology Services Organization

“The coaching work with Carol was particularly helpful in the areas of learning to delegate more, dealing with conflict in interpersonal relationships, and thinking through my desired outcomes before entering into certain business situations. The coaching work led to my being able to actively engage in new behaviors. I was able to see immediate, positive results.”

Dave Fitzpatrick, VP Finance
National Association of Chain Drugstores

“Carol helped me get to the root of some issues I was struggling with as a leader. She helped me identify behaviors that were contributing to the problem. I realized there were some major changes I needed to make that would help me better address my challenges and be more effective. For this enlightenment, I thank Carol very much.”

Enza R., Director of Marketing
Merck-Schering Plough

“I gained much more out of the coaching engagement with Carol than I expected and that says a lot given I was at first a coaching skeptic. Now I am a believer. I’ve learned that success has three ingredients. First, the coach must be competent. Second, the match has to be right. Third, the client must be prepared and committed to do the work outside of the coaching sessions. It’s like working with a personal trainer. They won’t do the sit ups for you so you have to do the work to make any progress.”

Peter Leitner, Private Entrepreneur
Financial Advisory Company


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